Thursday, April 11, 2013

Stoli Thursdays

so after hearing nick E ritual in class the other day i joined him and his friends at specs for his thursday ritual and asked him to write my blog for mw in his words and this is what i got.

 "after hearing nicks presentation about his ritual, I decided to join him for an adventure in alcoholism. A drink was especially necessary after hearing the rantings of the mad Jesus freaks on campus. Its rather ironic that their campaign, if you can call it that, against the basic hedonic needs of mankind are essentially evil and radical in their minds."

must say i am a big fan of this ritual even though i learn of the passing on angela and by passing i mean she quit and moved to a different state i never really knew her but the way nick spoke of her, i felt like it did

1 comment:

  1. Tucker, Shayla and me were there too. I didn't see Nick but we looked. We went after a presentation though so like at 7
